Fighting WA DUI Breath Test Results

There are many scientific and technical considerations involved with a DUI alcohol breath test in WA Sate. An important consideration is determining the accuracy of the breath test. The laboratory that performs the testing of the breath sample (through the Washington State Patrol) is required to provide a confidence interval.

A confidence interval gives your DUI defense attorney a margin of error for your breath test. Your actual alcohol content is supposed to be inside of this margin. Statistics come into play when determining the likelihood that your breath test is within a specific portion of this range/margin of error.

A WA DUI attorney must be experienced with reviewing breath alcohol test results. They must also understand the science behind the confidence interval results. If your DUI lawyer can successfully weaken the evidence that is being used against you, this can be advantageous in negotiations with the prosecutor. These findings can also provide enough reasonable doubt to win a DUI trial by jury.